Like most serious problems, the best starting point is asking for help. As is the case for one of the most serious medical problems of our time—addiction. But, as anyone currently working a program of recovery can tell you, asking for help is not easy. Given that one’s disease is constantly working to keep you in the cycle of addiction. While some people do manage to break the cycle on their own, such cases are rare. What’s more, going at recovery on one’s own only slightly improves quality of life.

It is hardly a secret. Many addicts and alcoholics use drugs and alcohol to cope with their emotions. Whether they be hardwired or emotions in response to some form of trauma. It is usually best described as having a void that one desires to fill. A spiritual sickness or “god-sized hole.” People who stop using, but fail to fill the void that substances attempted to fill, are usually not long for recovery. Those who do manage to stay sober without the aid of a spiritual program, are typically called “dry drunks.” Living and behaving as they did while using, but without the drugs and alcohol.

That is where working a program like the 12 Steps model comes into play. Working the Steps with a sponsor, and being part of a fellowship is about more than staying clean and sober. The 12 Steps are not just a way to keep from using, they are good way to live life.

Seeking Help for Addiction

Picking up the phone and calling an addiction treatment center takes tremendous courage. It goes against your addiction programming. Years of denial and delusion have convinced you that the problem is not that severe. Even when one is living in an abyss of despair, you can be convinced that it’s not that bad. It is a mindset that countless individuals have taken to the grave.

While you can find a million reasons not to seek help, the good news is you only need one. A desire to change. Perhaps you are unsure about what needs to be changed, short of quitting drugs and alcohol? Well, some may suggest changing everything. Remember, the drug and alcohol abuse is just a symptom of a much greater problem. The disease of addiction is a mental illness that prevents people from living on life’s terms. It keeps them from connecting to something greater than himself or herself. In addition, one is convinced they are running the show. Becoming their own god, if you will. Which doesn’t ever work out favorably.

Do you have concerns about your relationship with substances? Is your life unmanageable? Do you feel powerless? If the answers were yes, then you can probably see that your way of living is problematic. It is likely that your relationships with others are distant or nonexistent. Ever alone in the grips of a disease which is trying desperately to kill its host. Perhaps you are ready, or again, have a desire for changing—everything.

Addiction Treatment Is The Way

As was pointed out earlier, the first step to addiction recovery is asking for help. It is a brave step that you will surely have initial doubts about, but it is a move that can save your life. At Guardian IOP we can help you learn how living a spiritual life is possible. Giving you guidance for practicing the principles of recovery in all your affairs. Aided by the 12 Steps, recovery peers and a sponsor, you can live a meaningful life. Without drugs and alcohol, you can truly be a productive member of society. A loving father or mother, son or daughter. Please contact us today, it is the first step in an incredible journey.


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Anna earned her Masters of Social Work at Barry University in Miami, FL in 2017 and completed her internship in co-occurring disorders. Anna has a Bachelors of Art in Religious Studies from Naropa University and is a certified yoga and meditation instructor. Anna has received specialized training in somatic counseling with an emphasis on body-centered psychotherapy.